Bonanza - all stories rated PG-13 for western violence, mild language and adult situations and themes.
New short stories
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New novels
A tale for our times. 17 year old Adam Cartwright is sure he's up to taking care of his two younger brothers while his Pa and Marie head into town. And he would have been, had an unseen and deadly enemy not come to call.
This new extended version of my short story 'I'll See You Outside' is a What Happens Next for 'The Magnificent Adah'. As Hoss finishes one last beer, Little Joe heads outside to saddle Cochise and wait for his brother - little knowing that deadly danger lurks in the dark. Rated T for graphic depictions of violence.
Ben Cartwright's young sons are under threat. Could a secret long buried be the reason? And if so, just whose secret is it?
All 16 year old Hoss wanted for Christmas was a kiss from Ellie Miller. He was so escited he set off for the Millers place before his brothers. Instead of a kiss, Hoss was soon hoping for a Christmas miracle.
A prequel to 'Between Heaven and Earth.' Have you ever wondered what happened when Little Joe climbed Eagle's Nest as a five year old boy that could have been so traumatic it resulted, not just in a fear of falling, but in total amnesia that lasted for nearly 20 years? This is my take on what happened when Ben Cartwright was told to 'Bring Marie'.
The Hoffmeisters have come to the Ponderosa for their annual December visit bringing tales of Germany's Wienachsten and its mystical creatures. As strange things begin to happen, young Hoss Cartwright becomes convinced that St. Nick's man-servant, a feller he calls 'K-necked Rupert', has come to bring judgement on them all.
With a storm approaching, Little Joe heads out to find the prize foal his father is so fond of and is caught in a flash flood. While his brothers deal with their own fears, Ben Cartwright fights a battle to overcome despair and grief and face the very real fear that Joe may never be found.
All 16 year old Hoss wanted for Christmas was a kiss from Ellie Miller. He was so escited he set off for the Millers place before his brothers. Instead of a kiss, Hoss was soon hoping for a Christmas miracle.
An angel. A messenger. Sent to bring news, sometimes good, often bad. Which was this, the one who gazed at me? Had she come to reward or punish me? To return me to my family or cut me down as I deserved? Forgive me, Adam, Pa. Mama, forgive your little Joseph. If only, I had known….
14 year old Joe Cartwright was just trying to do something nice for a friend. Older brother Adam didn't see it that way. An argument between brothers sets off a series of events that turns into an unstoppable torrent of trouble which leaves one of Ben Cartwright's sons with a terrible task to perform, and another near death, trapped in the Belly of the Whale.
One day the wind blows in a young woman claiming to be Ben Cartwright's daughter. Belle Babylon moves into the Ponderosa bringing trouble from her past in the form of a man who is obsessed with her and who blames Ben Cartwright for taking her mother away.
IEach year at Christmas a beautiful lady graces the Cartwright's Ponderosa ranch house. From her post high atop their tree the little angel with cornflower yellow hair watches them. A smile lights her face for she knows that, without her, Ben Cartwright's life would have been very different...
Just before Christmas Ben Cartwright makes a choice he will soon regret. He allows his twelve-year-old son, Joseph, to help the young woman who is filling in for Abigail Jones over the holidays find her way home. Little does Ben know that the blue sky of morning will soon become the deep gray of an approaching storm, and that his son and his teacher will need a miracle to survive
Joe is on his way home when he is attacked and beaten. At first it seems the motive was robbery, but all too soon the clues begin to pile up that something terrible and devastating has happened to the youngest Cartwright son. As the truth comes out the Cartwright men come face to face with a challenge that calls upon them to look deep within themselves to find a way to save Joe.
Who would have thought that a pair of missing boots would propel the Cartwrights into the nightmare world of a madman? Joe wakes up to find his boots gone and the mystery of how he lost them - and who is wearing them - leads to a series of events that could cost his life.
Joseph Cartwright is a haunted man. He can't forget the woman he met in Martinville. Little does he know, she remembers him as well and has made a pact with the Devil to make certain he will be hers for eternity. A WHN for the Bonanza episode Twilight Town and a crossover with Forever Knight.
It has been five years since Joe Cartwright took Bella Carnaby as his wife and nearly twenty since he first met Rosey O'Rourke – a woman he knows his father loves, but one that life and time has conspired to keep away from the Ponderosa. A new threat and an old enemy appear to threaten the Cartwrights – will the end of their collective tale be joy, or tragedy?
That baby brother of his, he could talk him into anythin'. They shoulda been home, but instead they ended up campin' out near 13 year old Little Joe's little gal's house. All would have been well and good if'n only Joe'd have stayed put. But this was Joe and he didn't. When he asked him how come, his baby brother said he didn't know. Was it a nightmare, Hoss wondered, that called Little Joe out into the mist and got him nearly drowned?
Or was is somethin' else?
12 year old Little Joe Cartwright loves black horses, especially the new black mare his brothers found and brought home. Though their father disapproves, Little Joe knows she's the one for him and sets out to prove it. Little does the boy know that the horse is not what she seems and that his love for her will put not only his own life, but the lives of his brothers in jeopardy. What do an apparition, a wild black mare, a burned out ranchero, a stolen fortune, a group of desperate outlaws and Little Joe Cartwright have in common besides trouble?
A friend of Ben's comes to the Ponderosa bringing with him this three daughters and a dark secret. All too soon it becomes apparent that Gil Jenkins' demons threaten not only him, but the Cartwrights. Hoss is injured. Joe and Adam go missing as a mysterious creature wings through Nevada seeking justice.
As Joe Cartwright helps Carrie Pickett, prepare for winter, the arrival of a young woman at the Ponderosa serves as a catalyst for a series of events that culminate in a showdown in the Piney Woods in which Joe must overcome Victor Marks deep seated need for revenge.
When 10 year old Joe awakes screaming his pa’s name in the night, his brothers assume the young boy is afraid. What they can’t know is that Joe’s dream is all too real and their reaction to it will catapult all of them on a journey that will end with both their father and little brother losing their lives – unless Heaven intervenes.