Est. 2018

Meet Marla Fair

Marla Fair has quite an online presence. Just google her name and you will come up with websites ranging from art to writing to antique dolls.
Marla's day job is as an historic interpreter at the Johnston Farm & Indian Agency in Piqua OH where she speaks with nearly 6000 school children a year and during the summer season takes hundreds of tourists through John Johnston's 1815 house. Marla is also an artist specializing in colored pencil, which she teaches at a local cultural center, and graphite or pencil portraits. Marla's love of history has led her to write as well and she has nearly a dozen independently published historical fiction novels under her belt, several of which are based on the Johnstons and one on her Ohio ancestors, the McCurdys. She also has a fantasy trilogy.
As a little girl with a much older brother - and a child born near the end of the 1950s - Marla developed a love of cowboys and the Wild West early in her life that continues to this day. Her favorite TV cowboys were the Cartwrights. Marla's new professional hobby of recreating and restoring both American Character and Palitoy's 1960s Bonanza action or movable men started with a remake of her own Little Joe figure and brings together all of her loves - art, history, dolls, and creating stories.
Bonanza Movable Men Facebook Page
Marla and her husband also buy and sell collectibles and antiques. Check out their shops. both physical and online.
David Fair on the Square on Ruby Lane
David Fair on the Square Facebook Page